Let's just be friends. With some benefits.

Publié le par Hello Stéphanie

So for the last week, SEVEN Looooooong days (i know, i have a lot of time in my hands), i have been thinking : How to bring my questions up about our ''relationship'', with Brian.

I thought about different ways to bring it up: 

So by the way, why don't you ever call ?

Hey, how'i's going? So should we say it's o.v.e.r.?

Nice shoes. We're friends now or something?

Brian, we need to talk (and i never saw him again)

You know i think it's not working. Let's just be friends...

And so on. But the couple of times we talked on the phone, it was like we BOTH knew we had to talk, but nobody wanted to start it.

Eventually, it was Saturday and we met. I was at Café Crèpes for lame cheap drinks with a girl friend. Brian arrived. My friend left. We chatted. And then, i jumped into it (maybe the adrenaline of a good work out and the hot chocolate with alcohol in it RIGHT after the gym). I went for it in the most elaborate way:

- Hey I have a question for you ! WHAT's going on ?!

Yep. That's how I rule.

Good talk though, and we realized we are almost at the level: Someone from the past is back in his life, but she lives in the States (kinda rings a bell). And i have someone from the past who is trying to be back in my life AND someone who lives in the States.

SO we decided to be friends. With benefits. Right away. 

i know.


Publié dans Trucs de Filles

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<br /> ha ha merci !<br /> <br /> <br /> Moi aussi je veux des news de vous amis lecteurs !!!<br />
<br /> Seems like a good talk you had ;)<br /> <br /> <br /> Beware of the past look for the future na ;))))))<br /> <br /> <br /> Anyway very nice to read about your life, i'm looking for the move :p<br />
<br /> :)<br />
<br /> Eh ben écoute, ce qui est pris n'est plus à prendre, comme dit ma mère!<br />
<br /> "i have someone from the past who is trying to be back in my life" :<br /> Non?<br />