He has the moves like Jagger. SO what?

Publié le par Hello Stéphanie

For couple of weeks, i couldn't help but dancing like a teen in my bedroom each time i would here the last Maroon 5 song, Moves like Jagger.


Until I decided to stop being distracted by that:


Tough though, right?

And to listen carrefuly to the lyrics... And then...


Take me by the tongue (uh ?!.. How come?)
And I'll know you
Kiss me 'til you're drunk
And I'll show you (Pretentious!)

All the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger
I've got the moves like Jagger (yeah yeah, blah blah blah)

I don't need to try to control you
Look into my eyes and I'll own you (What?!)

[Verse 2:]
Maybe it's hard
When you feel like you're broken and scarred
Nothing feels right
But when you're with me
I'll make you believe
That I've got the key (Right. But what key?)

So get in the car (Please. Get in the car please)
We can ride it
Wherever you want
Get inside it
And you want to steer
But I'm shifting gears (i can feel there is some hidden message here...)
I'll take it from here (
i can feel there is some hidden message here...)
And it goes like this (Uh)


You wanna know how to make me smile (I'm not sure anymore actually)
Take control, own me just for the night (okay maybe yes)
And if I share my secret
You're gonna have to keep it (i can feel there is another hidden message here...)
Nobody else can see this (now i'm intrigued...)

So watch and learn (Please. Watch and learn Please)
I won't show you twice (i believe we have a bit of a ego issue here)
Head to toe, oooh baby rub me right (Sure ! You can forget about rubbing your toe though)
But if I share my secret (i can feel there is again another hidden message here...)
You're gonna have to keep it
Nobody else can see this (Ay! Ay! Ay! Aaay!) (Yeah !)

And it goes like this



Maybe i'll just go back to that:


Publié dans La Vraie Vie

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<br /> Bon alors! Parce que manifestement elle est derrière, c'est-à-dire le nez dans ses fesses...moyen (:-D<br />
<br /> Je crois que cest sa nana (une modèle anorexique de Victoria Secret)<br />
<br /> Et puis cette photo, moi qui suis difficilement "choquable", je la trouve limite. En tout cas j'aurais pas aimé être à la place de la meuf. Là, juste en dessous...beurk!<br />
<br /> C clair qu'il en peut plus. C'est con, du coup, au lieu de voir un gars super cute, on voit un gars qui se la pète trop.<br /> <br /> <br />  <br />
<br /> HAHAHA! Toutes ces métaphores, allégories, paraboles...c'est vrai que ça intrigue (?!) Et puis bon, le gars se la pète grave, c'est vrai qu'il pourrait dire "please". Et en fait ben son secret on<br /> s'en fout. Non? (:-D<br />